While the capacity for leadership itself is innate, it often requires specialized interventions to truly blossom and must be treated with great care for it to evolve. Come and learn how WWA has crafted specialised tools to assist both upcoming and seasoned leaders in their respective roles. 






Actionable  business  insight 

©opyright 2015 - All rights reserved - White & White Associates LTD & Roger White

©opyright 2015 - All rights reserved - White & White Associates LTD & Roger White

©opyright 2015 - All rights reserved - WWA Ltd & Roger White



"An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage."

                                                                                                                                                               Jack Welch


Business is driven by questions. Executives often ask how is the company faring compared to last year? What is our market share? How are our competitors doing? What is likely to impact on our performance in the next few months or years? With the ever increasing means to collect data at their disposal business leaders obtain information from many directions and levels: sales, customers support resources, market intelligence or anything and everything that might tell them something about their company. Data collection without perspective, however, is almost as dangerous as collecting no data at all. Through its new service line WWA's Actionable Business Insight (ABI) transforms information into insight which can guide important decisions in an accessible manner by offering:

  • Business Intelligence 
  • Market Assessments (Entry, Overviews, Company Impacts)
  • Sectoral Reviews, Situation Assessments
  • Setting up, re-imagining or running Research, Development and Innovation structures
  • Product Evaluation
  • Project Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Training 

©opyright 2015 - All rights reserved - WWA Ltd & Roger White

